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3 great books that master PR, marketing and persuasion

If you like to be inspired by experts in your field, you’re in good company. Many of us will scour the internet, listen to TED talks or visit popular sites like Mashable or Hacker News for ideas and inspiration. Public relations is no different. Stay on top of trends and social media channels but know the basics With an industry changing at breakneck speed, it’s a great idea to look to the experts periodically for best practice, industry insight and the know-how techniques that keep us sharp. Here are three of my favorite books on public relations and social media marketing.
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Media training

Media training gone bad: the Starr/Spaeth interview

Former Baylor University President Ken Starr should have known better. PR adviser Merrie Spaeth should have known better. In fact, everyone who watched the TV interview did know better that either Starr was uncoachable or he was not coached very well at all. Either way, it was the consummate example of how not to do media training, i.e., while the cameras are rolling.
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