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Media relations

4 steps to building a better relationship with the media

t’s 5 p.m. on a Friday and you get a call from the Houston Chronicle asking for an interview with your client or company. You have two hours before deadline. What do you do? Ignore the request at your peril, as this can be reported as “so and so had no comment,” which can sound incriminating, albeit unfairly. To avoid that all-too-common scenario, here are four things you SHOULD do when the media calls:
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3 top tips for PR storytelling

PR storytelling: the three Bs

Whether big or small, all businesses will benefit from great PR storytelling. That story will engage your audiences – including customers, perspective customers and investors – to learn more about your products or services. People are naturally inquisitive. When you meet someone at a party, you want to know where they come from, what they do and who they might know at the party and how. Rather than coming right out and asking 50 questions, you might take time to get to know them. It’s the same with a business. When you are deciding whether or not to purchase from them, you want to know who they are, where they come from and how they ‘got to the party.’ This is where storytelling comes in.
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TED style PR storytelling

3 top tips to TED-style storytelling for PRs

TED Talks – whether on Technology, Education, Design or anything else – are the epitome of storytelling: compelling, inspirational and mesmerizing. If you’re a public relations professional or marketer, you’re a storyteller too. But how do you tell stories for your client that successfully use the TED-style laws of communication? Here are 3 top tips:
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3 blogging tools to get your content shared

If you’re a blogger, social media influencer or marketer, check out these three top tools for creating and sharing your content. Readability Test Tool Don’t be dense! Is your writing impenetrable, are you using bigger words than you need to and are your sentences too long? Even though you might be capable of writing for the New York Review of Books, you really shouldn’t. Blogs in general should strive for readers with a grade level of around 8. Although a level of 10-12 is roughly the reading level on completion of high school, experts say 8 is what to shoot for. This blog has a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 8.7.
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3 great books that master PR, marketing and persuasion

If you like to be inspired by experts in your field, you’re in good company. Many of us will scour the internet, listen to TED talks or visit popular sites like Mashable or Hacker News for ideas and inspiration. Public relations is no different. Stay on top of trends and social media channels but know the basics With an industry changing at breakneck speed, it’s a great idea to look to the experts periodically for best practice, industry insight and the know-how techniques that keep us sharp. Here are three of my favorite books on public relations and social media marketing.
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Media training

Media training gone bad: the Starr/Spaeth interview

Former Baylor University President Ken Starr should have known better. PR adviser Merrie Spaeth should have known better. In fact, everyone who watched the TV interview did know better that either Starr was uncoachable or he was not coached very well at all. Either way, it was the consummate example of how not to do media training, i.e., while the cameras are rolling.
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Social media: who owns it?

Who on the marketing team owns social media? This question has been asked and hotly debated. There are many opinions on who does and should manage social (PR, digital, an integrated team); while others say no one should own it. Social media knows no boundaries Says Chris Perry on Forbes online, “No marketer, department or firm has a monopoly on social media. Social media practices are embedded in companies, departments and communities to a degree that blurs the boundaries of traditional responsibility and action.”
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